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October 16, 2024

CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY – 10/16/2024… Tonight, the Lawler for Congress campaign declared victory in the first debate of the 2024 cycle, where Congressman Lawler summarily dispatched opponent Mondaire Jones on the substance of the issues. Mondaire Jones repeatedly attempted to interrupt Congressman Lawler to claim his past statements and votes were “lies” despite Mondaire Jones himself saying he has not changed his policy positions since 2020 on the Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC yesterday.

The Lawler campaign was joined by elected officials, local political activists, small business owners, and moms from across the 17th District in noting Congressman Lawler’s victory in the debate and in calling out Mondaire Jones’ extremism.

“Mike Lawler once again showed Hudson Valley families why he deserves another term with a resounding win in tonight’s debate on News12,” said Chris Russell, spokesman for the Lawler campaign. “He came across as the reasonable, bipartisan member of Congress residents of New York’s 17th Congressional District know him to be.”

“Mondaire Jones, on the other hand, was exactly what you would expect: abrasive, rude, and radical,” concluded Russell. “His refusal to own up to his extreme rhetoric and explain his votes against the Hudson Valley, and against Israel, show just how out-of-touch he is with the residents of the 17th Congressional District.”

“Congressman Mike Lawler made a strong and clear case for why he should continue to represent Hudson Valley families tonight,” said Assemblyman Matt Slater. “His level-headed leadership is what we need in Washington and he showed that time and again on the debate stage.”

“Mike Lawler rightly held Mondaire Jones to task in tonight’s debate, highlighting his radical and dangerous rhetoric about cops, law enforcement, and ICE and Border Patrol agents,” stated Town of Carmel Supervisor and former cop Michael Cazzari. “Mondaire Jones’ strong support for cashless bail, defunding the police, and letting cop-killers and rapists vote from prison tells voters in the 17th District all they need to know about Jones – he’s nuts!”

“Mondaire Jones rejected the chance to say he doesn’t support abortions up until the moment of birth, and said he now supports parental notification in the case of a minor getting an abortion which directly conflicts with his support for Prop 1, which would not require parental notification,” said Mount Pleasant GOP Chairwoman Helen Keating. “Mike Lawler rightly called him out for his lies and flip-flopping on this issue, and is the clear winner of this debate and only choice for those who want a commonsense leader in Congress.”

“Mondaire Jones doubled down on his radical tax-and-spend agenda at tonight’s debate, repeatedly touting legislation that raised government spending by over 5 trillion dollars and lying about his past support for congestion pricing,” stated NY-17 small business owners Tim Hauser, Teyena Cowan, Rob Chiapperino, and Nick Sfraga, all small business owners in the 17th Congressional District. “That spending spree by Mondaire Jones hurt local small businesses and their employees like ours right here in Rockland County and across the Hudson Valley – we must reject extremist Mondaire Jones at the ballot box this November and send commonsense problem solver Mike Lawler back to Congress.”

“For Mondaire Jones to come out in full-throated support of Prop 1, which would unfairly allow biological males to compete in girls sports in high school is alarming and disqualifying,” said Elizabeth Dynan, Gabbi Smith, and Desiree Deems, all moms in the 17th Congressional District. “It rolls back decades of progress for women, and puts girls like our daughters at risk of injury.”

Mondaire Jones’ disastrous debate performance will be sure to raise eyebrows amongst Democrats keenly watching the race for the 17th Congressional District, and may negatively impact outside spending for him in the final weeks of the race.



October 16, 2024

CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY – 10/16/2024… Today, the Lawler for Congress campaign calls out Mondaire Jones for confirming what voters in New York’s 17th District have long suspected.

While on a radio interview with WNYC, Mondaire was asked, “Have your views changed on anything since you won in 2020?” 

Mondaire responded, “I would challenge somebody to point to a reversal on my positions on any number of issues.” 

“Mondaire Jones has attempted to distance himself from his radical positions since running for Congress in 2020 and his failed attempt to run for Congress in Brooklyn in 2022,” said Ciro Riccardi, Lawler for Congress Campaign Manager. “At a time when Hudson Valley families are concerned about the crushing affordability crisis, Mondaire Jones has doubled down and fully embraced his extreme and out-of-touch socialist, tax-and-spend ideology.”

The Lawler for Congress campaign highlighted some of Mondaire Jones’ most radical positions:

“Mondaire Jones’ extreme beliefs are wildly out of step with Hudson Valley families. On November 5th, voters of New York’s 17th District will send Mondaire packing—likely off to search for yet another district to run in,” concluded Ciro Riccardi.


Lawler Campaign Calls Out Election-Denialism From Mondaire Jones and His Allies

October 8, 2024


CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY – 10/8/2024… Today, the Lawler for Congress campaign released a statement slamming a last-ditch effort to subvert democracy and kick an opponent of Mondaire Jones off the ballot. Allies of Mondaire Jones’ campaign have even gone so far as to claim that this opponent “stole” the election in June. This lawsuit comes weeks after voting has begun and threatens to disenfranchise thousands of absentee voters, including military and civilians overseas, who have already received ballots and returned them.

“Mondaire Jones and his allies know he can’t win on the issues, so they’re resorting to dirty tricks to try and kick a primary-winning candidate off the ballot,” said Chris Russell, spokesman for the Lawler campaign. “In this effort, they’ve turned to Democrats on the courts in an effort to salvage what has been a train-wreck of a campaign.”

“The argument they’re making would have catastrophic impacts on election law for New York State – if the judge rules in Jones’ favor, it would establish that any candidate, at any time, can sue any other candidate that has won a primary to kick them off the ballot,” concluded Russell. “If that’s not election denialism, I don’t know what is.”


We can never forget October 7, nor can we fail to hold terrorists and anti-Semites accountable

October 7, 2024

Washington Reporter
By Rep. Mike Lawler

Today marks the first anniversary of the worst mass murder of Jews in a single day since the Holocaust. On October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists launched a brutal and unprovoked attack on Israel, murdering over a thousand innocent men, women, and children, sexually abusing many and taking hundreds hostage. 

Among those butchered and taken captive were dozens of Americans. We must stand with our close ally in its time of need and support them as they fight not only to rescue their citizens who were taken by Hamas, but ours as well.

I have met with family members of Americans and Israelis whose relatives were killed or taken hostage by Hamas — in New York, in Washington, and in Israel. I have traveled to Israel twice in my official capacity during my first term in office. 

The first was with a bipartisan delegation led by Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the second U.S. Speaker of the House in American history to address the Knesset in Jerusalem. My second trip to Israel was in the immediate aftermath of the October 7 attack, when I joined Chairman Michael McCaul and several Republican and Democratic members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to meet with hostages’ family members and with Israeli officials. In April, Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D., Fla.) and I visited the New York City exhibit recreating the grounds of the Nova Music Festival on the morning of October 7, when Hamas terrorists parachuted into a concert for peace and senselessly murdered anyone they could.

The congressional district I represent — New York’s 17 District — has one of the largest Jewish populations in the country. Our relationship with Israel and our efforts to combat anti-Semitism in America are essential issues to my constituents. Since taking office, both of these issues have been top priorities of mine. 

My first bill to become law was the Special Envoy for the Abraham Accords Act, which I introduced with Ritchie Torres (D., N.Y.), a progressive Democrat from the Bronx. That legislation, incorporated into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2024, provides a special presidential envoy to enforce and expand the Abraham Accords. 

The Abraham Accords were a significant breakthrough that resulted in the normalization of relations between Israel and four Middle Eastern countries — Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Morocco, and Sudan. They were the first instance of normalization between Israel and an Arab-majority nation since Israel and Jordan normalized relations in 1994. With relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel warming considerably in recent years, it is widely believed that the Kingdom will be the next nation to normalize relations with Israel. 

Rep. Torres and I have been very open about our hope that establishing a special presidential envoy for the Abraham Accords will help facilitate this. Such a move would also isolate Iran in the Middle East, and it is no wonder that Hamas — heavily backed by the rogue terror regime in Tehran — would choose such a moment as this to attack Israel in a clear attempt to scuttle a hard-fought peace. 

We cannot let Hamas succeed, and we must hold both them and their Iranian backers accountable. We cannot achieve peace in the Middle East without ending once and for all Iran’s ability to export terror and death across the region, and that means cracking down on the illicit oil trade bankrolling it. That’s why I joined Democratic Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D., N.J.) to introduce the Iran-China Energy Sanctions Act, and joined Rep.Moskowitz to introduce the Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum (SHIP) Act. 

These two bills were incorporated into the foreign aid supplemental passed by Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden in April. Just a few days ago, Iran launched hundreds of missiles into Israel. No longer content to act through its proxies alone — Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis — Iran has become even more brazen in its desire to follow through on its promise to wipe Israel off the map. Iran may have already succeeded in that mission if it had not been for the Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and Arrow missile defense systems. These systems are Israel’s literal lifeline, and for as long as I am in Congress, I will fight like hell to make sure their funding never dries up.

I will also continue standing up to the anti-Israel bias at the United Nations (UN) and in our international institutions. Earlier in the 118th Congress, Rep. Gottheimer and I introduced the IGO Anti-Boycott Act to protect U.S. companies from being coerced by inter-governmental organizations (IGOs) into supporting the anti-Israel Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement. 

In the aftermath of October 7 and the singling out of Israel by the UN and the International Criminal Court (ICC), Rep. Moskowitz and I introduced the Stand With Israel Act. This bipartisan legislation will curtail U.S. funding to any UN agency that expels, downgrades, suspends, or otherwise restricts the participation of the State of Israel. 

The UN was created to help protect the democratic order that emerged when the Nazis and their allies were defeated in the Second World War. Unfortunately, many of today’s evildoers have found their way into this institution, threatening to upend the democratic order from within. 

The findings of a recent UN probe that nine employees of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) “may have” been involved in the October 7 massacre, along with last week’s news that a top Hamas commander killed in Lebanon was a UNRWA employee placed on administrative leave is further evidence of how broken these institutions have truly become.

While Israel continues to face threats from all sides, Jewish Americans are becoming increasingly worried about the enemy within — the dark underbelly of anti-Semitism that has reemerged not only in our international institutions but here in our own country. Jews make up only 2.4 percent of the U.S. population, yet FBI data released in October 2023 showed that they were the target of 55 percent of all religion-based hate crimes. A recent study commissioned by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) showed that 93 percent of American Jews found antisemitism to be a serious problem and that nearly two-thirds felt that the status of Jews in the U.S. was less secure than in the prior year. Weeks into the start of a new school year, the anti-Semitic hate that intensified on college campuses in the wake of October 7 has continued to fester. 

During the last school year, I made multiple visits to Columbia University and confronted Hamas-sympathizing protesters head-on. I publicly called on Columbia’s then-president, Minouche Shafik, to resign. Although she has since done so, as have several other prominent university presidents who failed to confront antisemitism on their campuses, a new campus administration doesn’t solve the underlying problem. 

Anti-discrimination laws must be given teeth in order to hold those who bully, harass, intimidate, or assault Jewish students accountable. That’s why I introduced the Antisemitism Awareness Act and have repeatedly called on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to bring this bill up for a Senate vote since it passed the House by a broad, bipartisan vote of 320 to 91 on May 1st. 26 governors — more than half — recently sent Senator Schumer a letter echoing this call. These are governors from across the country who are seeing rising anti-Semitism directly impact their constituents. It must be dealt with and it must be rooted out as swiftly as possible.

The protection of our students, the safety of Jewish Americans, and the security of our closest ally, Israel, can never take a back seat to politics. As we commemorate the solemn anniversary of the October 7 terrorist attack, we must reaffirm our commitment to stand with Israel in its ongoing fight against terrorism and with our own Jewish communities in their ongoing concern for safety. 

As we remember the lives lost one year ago today, let us also renew our resolve to fight back against terrorism in all its forms and to ensure that every remaining hostage is freed from the clutches of Hamas. The world must never forget the horrors of October 7. We must remain united in ensuring that such evil is never allowed to flourish again — whether in the streets of the Middle East, the halls of the UN, or our own communities.

Rep. Mike Lawler represents New York’s 17th District in Congress. 


October 5, 2024

CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY – 10/5/2024… Today, the Lawler for Congress campaign released a letter from black elected officials and community activists along with a statement from Ramapo Deputy Town Supervisor Brendel Logan-Charles in support of Congressman Lawler.

“Congressman Lawler has been a model member of Congress during his time in office,” said Brendel Logan-Charles, Ramapo Deputy Town Supervisor. “He has conducted himself with integrity and has actually sought to get to know the communities he represents.”

“I’ve seen this firsthand in Rockland County, especially in the Village of Spring Valley, Town of Ramapo, Village of Nyack, and the Town of Haverstraw, where Mike Lawler has shown up and worked towards common sense solutions on behalf of his communities of color,” concluded Logan-Charles. “I know that the Congressman will continue to work with constituents in these communities of color and with organizations in Rockland County, and across the district to help uplift all communities through his work in Congress, as he has done the past two years.”


I have to set the record straight on Mondaire Jones’ lies

October 2, 2024

By Mike Lawler

This is everything that’s wrong with politics today.

Throughout this campaign, Mondaire Jones and his special interest allies have continually resorted to lies and distortions because he and they cannot defend Mondaire’s radical record. Jones knows that when voters see the truth — when they see the clear contrast between his far-left extremism and my commonsense, bipartisan approach — his arguments fall apart.

Let’s set the record straight, once and for all.

Here’s the truth:

I have NOT and will NEVER cut Social Security and Medicare. I’ve fought hard to protect these vital programs, which so many of our seniors rely on, and I will continue to fight to ensure they remain strong and sustainable for future generations.

I will NOT support a national abortion ban. As I have consistently said, I have always believed in exceptions for rape, incest, and the life and health of the mother. And I have been a strong advocate for access to IVF and contraception. These are difficult, personal issues, and I respect that. My stance has always been clear and consistent and I am in no way looking to change New York State law.

I am NOT working to overturn the Affordable Care Act or allow insurance companies to discriminate against those with preexisting conditions. In fact, I have always supported protecting those with preexisting conditions and allowing children to stay on their parents’ policies until age 26, ensuring that they have access to the healthcare they need.

Sadly, Jones believes that if he repeats these lies enough times, the voters will believe them. He is counting on misinformation and fear to sway public opinion, rather than relying on the facts or his own legislative record, which is subpar, to say the least.

But what’s even more insulting than this litany of lies is the insinuation that I, like so many others, don’t understand the struggles facing working families.

This is how my perspective as a public servant has been shaped

Let me share two stories that have shaped my perspective as both a person and a public servant.

In 2013, I lost my Dad to cancer. He was just 54 years old. In the five years before his death, my parents faced a series of devastating blows. They lost their life savings in a Ponzi scheme, my Dad lost his job and battled depression, they were forced to sell their home and move in with my grandparents and my Dad fought two grueling battles — one against Multiple Sclerosis and another against cancer.

In those years, my Dad had to rely on Social Security disability, a lifeline for many families who’ve paid into the system for years. My family was fortunate that my Mom had health insurance through her job, but I’ve seen firsthand the toll it takes when you’re struggling to make ends meet, when the system you’ve supported your whole life becomes your only safety net.

After graduating college in 2009, I moved back home to help my parents. I lived through their challenges with them. I understand the burden that illness, unemployment and financial ruin can place on a family. I saw my Dad go through that, and it’s why I’ve spent my career fighting for families like mine, making sure that no one falls through the cracks.

In the last conversation I had with my Dad, just five days before he passed away, he told me something that has stayed with me every day since. He said, “Michael, to whom much is given, much is required. You’ve been given a lot of talents and skills. Use them to do God’s work and to always keep your moral compass.”

He said those words before suffering a series of seizures that put him into a coma. That was the last time I ever spoke with him, but his words have been my guiding light in everything I’ve done since — especially in my capacity as an elected official.

Secondly, in January 2020, after years of trying to start a family, my wife Doina and I got pregnant with our first child. At eight weeks, we went to Doina’s OBGYN for our first ultrasound. Not knowing fully what to expect, we watched the screen with excitement as the technician checked the baby’s measurements.

After about 10 minutes, she informed us that she needed to speak with the doctor. As Doina and I waited, we smiled and talked about finally becoming pregnant.

Soon after, the doctor came back with the technician and started to perform the ultrasound. A few minutes later she said, “So based on the size measurements, the baby is about 7 weeks and 4 days. At this point we should hear a heartbeat. Unfortunately, we do not. The baby is not viable.”

We were shocked, confused and heartbroken. In a moment we went from experiencing pure joy to excruciating pain.

As we left the doctor’s office and got into our car, we were both stunned into silence.

A few weeks later, my wife had to have a D&C procedure to ensure her health and well-being. It was a traumatic experience.

Everyone who has ever suffered a miscarriage or the loss of a child understands that pain. It’s a feeling you never forget or get over. You live with it for the rest of your life.

Over the next year and a half we struggled to get pregnant, taking steps to begin IUI and IVF treatments. Fortunately, just days before our first IUI treatment, we found out we were pregnant with our daughter, Julianna. Next month we are expecting our second daughter. It is the greatest blessing in our lives.

Unfortunately, for too long the discussion around these issues have been driven by the extremes in both parties, rather than the vast majority of Americans who want a reasonable and honest discussion on this issue.

So, shame on Jones for lying about my record and misrepresenting who I am. But more importantly, shame on him for not recognizing that we all have our own life experiences that shape our views, our values and our commitment to public service.

I’m in this fight because I’ve lived it. I know what it’s like for families to struggle, and I’ve dedicated myself to making sure that the government works for the people it serves. I’ve fought to bring $38 million in Community Project Funding back to the Hudson Valley, I’ve fought to secure millions in law enforcement resources, and I’ve fought to protect programs like Social Security and Medicare — programs that my family relied on during our darkest days.

I believe in bipartisanship, in working across the aisle to get things done. That’s why I’ve been named one of the most bipartisan members of Congress, and that’s why I will continue to fight for commonsense policies that make a real difference for the people of the Hudson Valley.

No number of lies from Jones or dark money groups will change that.

Rep. Mike Lawler, running for reelection, represents New York’s 17th Congressional District.

Lawler Campaign Welcomes Multiple Favorable Ratings Changes In Race For 17th Congressional District

September 19, 2024

Ratings shifts in favor of Congressman Mike Lawler indicate Mondaire Jones’ flailing campaign is rapidly losing steam.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY – 9/19/2024… Today, the Lawler for Congress campaign released the following statement after Inside Elections and Sabato’s Crystal Ball shifted New York’s 17th Congressional District in Congressman Mike Lawler’s favor.

“Mondaire Jones’ campaign is starting to look a lot like the Titanic – an ill-fated ship doomed to sink in fantastic fashion,” said Lawler for Congress spokesman Chris Russell. “The ratings changes from Inside Elections and Sabato’s Crystal Ball confirm what everyone in the political world already knows – Mondaire Jones might just be the worst candidate for Congress in the country.”

“Between paying himself with small dollar donors’ cash, being caught supporting voting rights for imprisoned cop-killers and rapists, and failing to be able to produce a single poll that shows him winning, it’s clear that Mondaire’s campaign is on life support,” concluded Russell. “And in just 47 days, Mondaire Jones and his campaign will be relegated to the dust heap of history.”



August 23, 2024

Three televised debates in October will allow voters to hear directly from Congressman Lawler and his opponent.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY – 8/23/2024… Today, the Lawler for Congress campaign released the following statement after agreeing, in principle, to four debates for the 2024 campaign cycle. The four debates include 3 televised debates, hosted by News12, CBS2, and Pix11, which represent three more televised debates than the 2022 cycle, when former Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney’s campaign agreed to none. The fourth and final debate the Congressman will participate in is with the New City Jewish Center on October 27th.

“Today, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve agreed, in principle, to four debates for the 2024 campaign cycle,” said Lawler for Congress spokesman Chris Russell. “With four debates in total, three of them televised, Congressman Lawler will have ample opportunity to highlight his common-sense, bipartisan record and contrast it with Mondaire Jones’ radical, extreme one.”

“We call on Mondaire Jones to immediately accept all four of these debates,” continued Russell. “Voters deserve to hear from the candidates, and three televised debates will allow them to hear from both.”

“While Congressman Lawler was ranked the fourth-most bipartisan member of the 118th Congress, Mondaire Jones ranked 381st during his time in office – alongside the most radical members of 117th Congress,” concluded Russell. “It’s clear who the mainstream candidate is in the race for the 17th District, and it’s not Mondaire Jones – we look forward to reminding voters of that simple truth.”



August 15, 2024

Stands in stark contrast to Congressman Lawler’s strong record of working with Republicans and Democrats to find common ground and get things done.

CONTACT: [email protected]

Pearl River, NY – 8/15/2024… Today, the Lawler for Congress campaign released the following statement after Mondaire Jones participated in a sham signing ceremony of a NYSUT document that his own radical record totally contradicts.

Mondaire Jones’ extreme record in the 117th Congress includes:

“The sad rebrand attempt continues for extremist Mondaire Jones, this time with an effort to hide his radical record in Congress,” said Lawler for Congress spokesman Chris Russell. “During the 117th Congress, Mondaire Jones worked to give cop-killers the right to vote from prison, voted with the Squad 97% of the time, racked up the 3rd-most radical record, called cops racists, and routinely attacked Republicans, calling them ‘white supremacists.’ So much for common ground.”

“Congressman Lawler, meanwhile, has amassed an impressive record of building consensus, working with Republicans and Democrats to find common ground, receiving top marks from the Common Ground Committee as a ‘Common Ground Champion’, and being ranked the 4th-most bipartisan member of the 118th Congress,” continued Russell. “No number of sham pledges that Mondaire Jones signs can change this fundamental truth – he’s an out-of-touch, left wing extremist who wants to defund the police, can’t decide whether he wants to represent the Hudson Valley or New York City, and will say or do anything to try and return to office.”

“Hudson Valley voters will send him a clear message this November – pack your bags and skip town,” concluded Russell.



August 14, 2024

Positive ad highlights Congressman Lawler’s bipartisan success in first term, provides a hopeful, unifying message to Hudson Valley voters. 

Pearl River, NY – 8/14/2024… Today, the Lawler for Congress campaign released the following statement after going live with their first TV ad of the cycle. The ad, found here, is the beginning of a $5 million ad campaign that will span broadcast, cable, digital, OTT, and more. Specifically highlighted in the ad is Congressman Lawler’s bipartisan work to stop congestion pricing and lift the crushing cap on SALT.

“Congressman Mike Lawler is getting things done in DC — from stopping congestion pricing to fighting to lift the cap on SALT to returning tens of millions of federal dollars to the Hudson Valley, he’s been the bipartisan fighter NY-17 elected him to be,” said Lawler for Congress spokesman Chris Russell. “We look forward to reminding voters of Mike’s record as a commonsense problem solver, and his opponent’s record as a far-left radical, do-nothing politician. The contrast is clear.”

“While Congressman Lawler has worked with Democrats and Republicans to get things done in the 118th Congress, Mondaire Jones racked up a 97% voting score with the socialist, antisemitic ‘Squad’, earning himself the 3rd-most extreme far-left voting record in the entire Congress during his one term in DC,” continued Russell. “When Mondaire wasn’t busy working to give cop-killers the right to vote from prison, or calling for police to be defunded, he was busy enacting his only bill into law – a post office renaming. Talk about no record to run on.”

“In stark contrast, Congressman Lawler was 

rated the 4th-most bipartisan member of the House, stood up to his own party to fight for IVF access for women, and passed nearly a dozen bills and amendments through the House, including the Special Envoy for the Abraham Accords Act, SHIP Act and Iran-China Energy Sanctions Act, and the Antisemitism Awareness Act,” concluded Russell. “That’s the record of a serious-minded legislator and that’s why Congressman Lawler will be re-elected this fall.”
